Latest News / Press release / Release Notes
- 2024.7.5AvatarTwin has been released
- 2024.6.18About ArchiTwinBasic object bug
- 2024.6.13AvatarTwin officially released
- 2024.3.26Regarding problems occurring with some users' spaces
- 2024.2.27Problems when registering ArchiTwin Basic
- 2024.2.20Problems associated with Matterport's major feature update
- 2024.2.16[Notice of renovation] For those who have set a password for Matterport space
- 2024.2.14[Problem] For those who have set a password for Matterport space
- 2023.12.5Regarding the rotational movement of 3D objects
- 2023.12.5Improved media functionality embedded within tags
- 2023.11.28.[Solved] Problem with media function to embed in tag
- 2023.11.8Improved functionality of video objects
- 2023.10.13Regarding the problem that videos cannot be played on some mobile phones and tablets.
- 2023.10.13Regarding ArchiTwin bug fixes
- 2023.9.6About bugs in mobile compatibility
- 2023.9.1Online contract correspondence
- 2023.8.30Mobile-friendly public spaces
- 2023.05.01Made improvements to the ArchiTwin platform
- 2023.05.01Automatic correction of oversized objects
- 2023.05.01About updating image objects
- 2023.05.01About video object updates
- 2023.02.15Automatic playback and manual playback of videos placed on ArchiTwin have been updated.
- 2023.01.26[Resolved] There is a problem where objects cannot be placed correctly.
- 2022.08.22Updated for PNG transparency.