Matterport app development

In addition to existing ArchiTwin products, Matterport's SDK enables development for more creative use of space.

What is Development with SDK?

SDK is a software development kit, which is a package of programs, such as APIs, sample codes, specifications, etc. that are necessary for developing software and web services. Matterport has an SDK, and ArchiTwin is one of the services developed using Matterport's SDK. Thus, ArchiTwin's development team is capable of providing you with any feature you desire.

The following two development tools (SDKs) are provided by Matterport.

Embedded (Manufacturer website: Japanese) Bundle (Manufacturer website: Japanese)

Development case

Development examples include "furniture layout", "IOT display", "Livestream bulletin board", and "WEBCAM bulletin board".

Example-1 Furniture layout

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Example 2 LiveStream

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Example-3 IOT function

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Example 4 WEBCAM bulletin board

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Endless Possibilities

Please let us know what you want to achieve.
Matterport will give your business a strong boost by working out ideas and developing additional projects together.
If you are interested, please contact us from the inquiry form.

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